18” X 18” Wood panel

The rigid support of wood

18” X 18”

Wood is wonderful for sanding and scraping, something I want to do more of.


Layer 11. Gave this one a covering of Burnt Sienna and Satin Glazing Liquid in areas. Out of that arrived the two blooms on the left side. I would like for them to stay, but try to not be too attached. I have coated them with a Workable Fixture since they are drawn on with a black Stabilo Mark All pencil.

Layers 6-10. Instead of trying to photograph between each layer, which is getting too time consuming especially since I just started three new pieces, I am going to photograph in the morning. This will capture the previous day’s work and give me time to evaluate.

Added lots to this one. Quin. Crimson, Raw Umber, Neutral Gray, Ivory Black and Titanium White. Loving these simple colors.

Also added more collage, more graphite and some charcoal marks. The best though, was when I took the paint scraper and scraped away bits. I love revealing! Also used the new, sharp putty knife to carve into some spots.


Layer 5. Some white and gray to calm things down, and give a good foundation for the next few layers. Which it up and adding some Quin. Crimson to the palette. This feels more like the season we are heading into.

Also added more mark making and a few pieces of collage.


Layer 4. Added the Manganese Blue with Satin Glazing Liquid over a few previous Burnt Sienna glazed area. And some straight Manganese Blue over the “N”.

Also used some Ionian Green Inktense block in a few areas then used a chip brush to wet and spread.

Need to start paying attention to the bits I like and note them.

Layer 3. I wanted translucent layers over top of the collage and mark making but was having a real struggle with fluid acrylics. Hard to mix, and dry way too fast on a warm, sunny afternoon.

After some experimenting, I decided to try some Satin Glazing fluid from Golden with my fluid acrylics. This is Burnt Sienna and Glazing Fluid. LOVE!

I also love how the Burnt Sienna applied with a color shaping tool, and a silicone squeegee slightly blurs the graphite lines that have been treated with Workable Fixative.

This is my favorite piece for Layer 3. Every layer is going to have one favorite and they usually change.


Layer 2. Graphite Mark Making. I love the marks I made on this one. Large and small, thick and thin, recognizable and not. The “North bound” is my favorite part.


Layer 1. It is all about collage. Words, words, and more words. Love them. I have a large, many thousand page old dictionary that is to perfect for collage material.