
Too often we are looking for a new source of words, words that will inspire. Words that will tell us that we haven’t lost our way, even if it feels we have.

I have been looking as of late. I wouldn’t say that my faith is lost, but I have been struggling to feel it. When I feel lost I look for words of inspiration: a sermon to take me deeper, a reflection to light a fire.

I am quick to put the pressure on someone/something else, but there is action required by me as well - Listening.

The words were there, but I had to sit down and listen.

What was so faint in the hustle and bustle of this time of year, was resounding in the hoof stomping, and the snorting of the deer across the path from me. The words filling the frost-edged December air.


Morning Mantra


Raising the Dimmer Switch