21 Jubilations of Delight
I am taking a seven day writing/journaling course with Kim Klassen that starts today. I signed up at the 11th hour, which means I signed up this morning.
Feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed lately, writing always grounds me, and gets all that useless chatter out of my head, or puts new, more constructive chatter in, not sure which.
The last couple of weeks have really disrupted my normal flow that I have worked so hard to establish since the start of COVID. Not that any of these disruptions were necessarily bad: new carpet, displaced from the house for two days while carpet was installed, haircuts, holidays, Christmas shopping. Let alone the recovery things like grocery shopping, laundry, and trying to be the carpet police and keep it nice for at least a couple weeks: No shoes, No dog poopey butts, No food spills, and absolutely NO vomiting!
Today as the snow softly fell for the first time this year, I needed the peaceful grounding of our morning walk, and time with my Composition Notebook. So I signed up for Kim’s journaling course.
The first writing prompt was lists. 21 Amazing Things in 2021 or whatever you wanted to name it. You know I am going to rename it and make it me. :) I love words, especially old, underused, unique words, so I got out my Thesaurus. My daughter actually found this one when she was reorganizing the books for our Library wall. I quickly whisked it away to my Studio.
A Thesaurus can be a real rabbit hole, but I also know what I love and what I don’t connect with. I started with the word Amazing, which is highly overused in my mind and began the search for the right Sarah word. I was torn between two list titles: 21 Jubilations or 21 Transports of Delight. Not able to decide one way or the other, I combined for a uniquely me title: 21 Jubilations of Delight.
Now off to write that Amazing List…